Hi all, I've been using Solus for over 3 years now and apart from a few minor bumps along the road I've been super happy with it and have managed to do everything I've wanted/needed including a few tweaks and customisations here and there, but now I've come up against a bit of a hurdle.
I have an older bluetooth Apple Magic mouse which I am very fond of and it works perfectly under Mac OS, Windows and mostly every Linux distro I've used too with one minor caveat.
It suffers from random disconnects on Linux distros and over the course of a few weeks of debug I've pinned it down to battery information polling by upowerd causing intermittent timeouts and the connection is then lost, it reconects OK but only after about 20-30 seconds which is very inconvenient.
Other bluetooth devices do not suffer this problem, and this device works on other OS so I'm aware it's a problem with this device on linux but I really do not want to use another device as this should be fixable.
With upowerd disabled all the problems go away, but this is not really a viable long-term option as not only does it remove other functionality it causes other apps to crash.
I've tried numerous tweaks with disabling battery plugin in bluetoothd (no effect) and trying to find a way to run/configure upowerd with the battery polling disabled but I've had no success there.
On other machines where I have rebuilt the kernel, compiling with HID_BATTERY_STRENGTH=N solves the problem, and I'm OK with that loss of function to check battery levels, it allows upowerd to be used again for other features, so I was also going to implement this fix on Solus but recompiling and using a custom Kernel seems to be much trickier on Solus an I've reached the point where I'm stuck.
Is there a (relatively) easy way to recompile (I'm OK doing this bit) and use a custom Kernel with Solus that I've not found? Are there any docs for how to do this?
Many thanks!