infinitymdm I think my remaining troubleshooting options are:
- Boot EndeavorOS live and check if WiFI and Bluetooth both work there
- If so, steal their firmware files and try them on Solus
- Boot Solus live and steal its Bluetooth firmware files, since we already know Bluetooth works there
Let's assume that the issue isn't with firmware for the time being, as a) that's demonstrably difficult to troubleshoot and b) the options for recourse there are few. For now, let's eliminate these options.
- Turn off WiFi in BIOS and check if Bluetooth then works
I'm about to give this a go. I'm hopeful - we'll see what we can find out.
- Try older firmware files from, or try deleting the firmware file altogether
Eliminating this option for the time being as well.
Axios You can do this from terminal (sudo btmon) and open another
terminal window and issue some bluetoothctl commands or even start the gnome-bluetooth
(Two terminal windows 1 to montior and the other to issue commands)
Just gave this a try. Opened one terminal and issued sudo btmon
. The monitor popped up just fine:
marcus@summit ~ $ sudo btmon
Bluetooth monitor ver 5.66
= Note: Linux version 6.3.4-237.current (x86_64) 0.749498
= Note: Bluetooth subsystem version 2.22 0.749500
= New Index: 00:00:00:00:00:00 (Primary,USB,hci0) [hci0] 0.749501
@ MGMT Open: bluetoothd (privileged) version 1.22 {0x0001} 0.749501
Unfortunately, none of the bluetoothctl
commands I issued from a second Terminal window caused any other output to appear in the btmon window.