Hi all, I'm looking to install Solus (Gnome) after spending most of my life on Mac/Windows. I've been distro hopping for a few weeks and start to lean towards Opensuse and Fedora both of which have great Gnome experiences. Then I came across Solus and the thought of a more community driven distro really appealed. I have played with the liveCD and very impressed so far so going to install on an old laptop to have a play.
As I'm slightly more than a beginner I was wondering if Solus had documentation or a Wiki (forgive me if I've missed it). I'm keen to dive into Linux and learn more but it looks like for example it uses a different package manager and I'd be looking for info on this kind of thing to understand it all more.
Thanks, Mark.

The website Help Center is being rewritten, updated and revised. Meanwhile, feel free to ask questions on this forum.

The help center is offline from a couple of months now, see this blog post and as @tomscharbach said, it's being rewritten (Good news!).

man pages is your friend.(the manual for a given command)
For example to see the manual for the package manager that Solus uses you can open a terminal and type man eopkg or eopkg --help and it brings everything you can do with it. Works with almost every command in linux. (don't be afraid of using the terminal just don't mess with the system unless you know what you are doing)
And welcome to solus!

Thanks for all the responses, been offline a few days but looking to install Solus this evening.

If you have trouble just let people here know. Search this forum, and there is some good stuff on reddit as well.