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Hot Plasma desktops in your area 💋
awesome. the speed at which things are happening all of a sudden.
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I take it that if I reinstall Solus 4.3 on my Solus laptop (currently lying fallow), and fully update, I will be running Plasma 5.27 and Wayland?
tomscharbach 5.27.4 is only available in Unstable at the moment, but will be part of the next sync. Unsure about Wayland being the default or not.
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Staudey Thanks. I am delighted to see a lot happening right now, but a lot is in flux as a result. I'll wait for the 4.4 ISO, as earlier planned, then reinstall.
ReillyBrogan is there a 1-800 number for these hot plasmas? asking for a friend.
so hot that the electrons are ripped away from the atoms forming an ionized gas
It will melt your heart