When you try to render something, you get this kind of thing, I changed the version of Kdenlive 2 times - did not help.

The same file rendered fine before? I can only find results about people trying to embed cover art when I search for that error.
Rendering a test file from a video + image source works fine for me.

    Staudey I have a big project with a huge amount of photos and video, as well as audio. This is the third project in a row that does not render. I was able to get kdenlive to work only from AppImage.

      ketronixdev I had similar issue, all the video formats except for .webm would crash and .webm would have weird flickering artifacts. I fixed it by turning off parallel processing (it shows up when you click on "more options" in rendering window).

      Hmm, I wonder what part of the latest updates could've caused that.

        Staudey For me the issue occured first time like a month ago or so (thus it wasn't part of the last update I guess). I didn't report it because I was too busy atm. Also it seems like something hardware specific so I will attach my device specs for further reference.

        It's not hardware because Kdenlive from Appimage works fine, but if I install from the repository it doesn't work. I am attaching my specifications.

        1. Select the boot where kdenlive has crashed journalctl --list-boots. For instance, to see the journal from the previous boot, use the -1 relative pointer with the -b flag: journalctl -b -1 | grep kdenlive. Or journalctl -p err -b -1 (-1 replace boot with broken kdenlive).
        2. Open kdenlive in a terminal and watch what happens when rendering