I'm getting a "mount point does not exist" for packaging sqlite3 and I'm not sure what it means. I assume this has something to do with it fetching the .tar.gz file or with extracting it? But I'm not sure exactly what to do. Below is the package.yml and the error:

name       : sqlite3
version    : 3.40.0
release    : 44
source     :
    - https://www.sqlite.org/2022/sqlite-autoconf-3400000.tar.gz : 7ee8f02b21edb4489df5082b5cf5b7ef47bcebcdb0e209bf14240db69633c878
license    : Public-Domain
component  : system.base
optimize   : speed
emul32     : yes
summary    : Self contained SQL package
description: |
    The SQLite package is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.
setup      : |
    if [[ -z "${EMUL32BUILD}" ]]; then

    %configure --disable-static \
        --enable-dynamic-extensions \
        --enable-fts5 \
        --enable-threadsafe \
        $ex_opts \
        CFLAGS="$CFLAGS \
build      : |
install    : |
    install -D -m00644 sqlite3.1 $installdir/usr/share/man/man1/sqlite3.1


mount: /var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/sqlite3/union/home/build/YPKG/sources/sqlite-autoconf-3400000.tar.gz: mount point does not exist.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
 🕱  Failed to build packages
make[1]: *** [../Makefile.common:25: build] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/icosahunter/Repos/Packaging/sqlite3'

That's because the hash for the tarball isn't correct.

I get 0333552076d2700c75352256e91c78bf5cd62491589ba0c69aed0a81868980e7 instead. How did you update it? Are you using the update script?

I grabbed the address and hash from their website, maybe I just copied the wrong one. I didn't use an update script, didn't know that was a thing... I just saw the task and thought I'd see if I could do it. Will take a look at the script. Also for future reference, what is the process if I see a task and would like to help with that?

    Icosahunter A comment that you're working on it in the task thread, I would say.

    (ypkg/solbuild needs the sha256 hash of the file btw, not sure what they have on their website; probably something else)