
There seems to be an issue with Crystal language causing an error when trying to run/build crystal files:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgc (this usually means you need to install the development package for libgc): No such file or directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: execution of command failed with code: 1: `cc "${@}" -o /home/kenta/.cache/crystal/usr-lib64-crystal-src-ecr-process.cr/macro_run  -rdynamic -L/usr/bin/../lib/crystal -lm -lgc -lpthread -levent -lrt -lpthread -ldl`

As the error message is very straightforward, I made sure that devel package of libgc is installed and I still receive this error. Has this been reported previously?

Worth mentioning that I've ran ld to see if it can pick it up anywhere:

ld: mode elf_x86_64
attempt to open /usr/x86_64-solus-linux/lib64/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /usr/x86_64-solus-linux/lib64/libgc.a failed
attempt to open /usr/lib64/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /usr/lib64/libgc.a failed
attempt to open /lib64/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /lib64/libgc.a failed
attempt to open /usr/lib32/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /usr/lib32/libgc.a failed
attempt to open /lib32/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /lib32/libgc.a failed
attempt to open /usr/x86_64-solus-linux/lib/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /usr/x86_64-solus-linux/lib/libgc.a failed
ld: cannot find -lgc: No such file or directory
attempt to open /usr/x86_64-solus-linux/lib64/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /usr/x86_64-solus-linux/lib64/gc.a failed
attempt to open /usr/lib64/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /usr/lib64/gc.a failed
attempt to open /lib64/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /lib64/gc.a failed
attempt to open /usr/lib32/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /usr/lib32/gc.a failed
attempt to open /lib32/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /lib32/gc.a failed
attempt to open /usr/x86_64-solus-linux/lib/libgc.so failed
attempt to open /usr/x86_64-solus-linux/lib/gc.a failed

Oh, nice catch. You need to install bdwgc-devel, which provides libgc

I'm going to add this to the runtime dependencies of crystal, thanks!


    Is there a reason as to why Shards (crystal's package manager) is also missing?

      Synaptic No idea. You could create a task on our dev tracker if you think it's something that should be part of our package, and then the maintainer of crystal can take a look.

        Staudey Probably found out why, Shard is a separate package that has to be built by user, I know that some distros package it with crystal.

        Perhaps I could try to learn how to do packages (first time ever) and be useful & contribute to Solus society 😩