How do I change to the unstable branch? and is there any reason to do this.


    I suggest you read the latest blog.

    If you are currently using the stable repository but wish to help test these latest changes, you are welcome to reach out to us in our IRC channel


    I'm hesitant to just give instructions on how to switch on the forums (even tho it is available on this forum and other places). Because people just think "yeah I want new shiny, gimme!" rather than actually reading / understanding the risks. As Josh said:

    Unstable is not for the faint of heart, and if you update when we clearly say not to, the chances of you getting support is slim to none. The expectation is that individuals which opt to use unstable are always checking for any message to indicate that they shouldn't update in the #Solus-Dev IRC channel. It is standard practice for us to update the topic when that is the case.

    The point of unstable is to help test changes and report issues on not get updates quicker.

      Harvey Thank you for you honest answer. I will read it and have a good think.

      Unstable is UNSTABLE, just remember, if it breaks there's sometimes no way to fix it. Please ensure you backup ALL important data before trying.

        Justin To be honest, that should SOP for using any computer, stable or otherwise.