I'm noticing that the Solus team is having a hard time keeping up. The website hasn't received any love in about a year, isos are old, updates contain fewer and fewer packages as time progresses, and sometimes updates are skipped altogether. 🙁
So, I was wondering. I'm not a software engineer, but perhaps I could help out with translating documentation to Dutch, or work on documentation to work with flatpak or snap for users (I use both)?
I thought about this because for both snap and flatpak you need to go to the CLI and enter commands, none of which are (as far as I'm aware) documented on the Solus website. A guide on how to work with these programs would be really helpful to new, insecure users of Linux. I'm willing to write it. If I can give some love to the other pieces of documentation, I'm entirely willing to do so as well (provided, of course, I'm familiar with them).
I'm already pointing people in the direction of Solus at r/findmeadistro, when I think Solus would be a candidate for them. So I'm doing some advocacy already, because, to be frank this is a rock-solid distribution with some great performance benefits.