mike-ward Unbuntu
Ubuntu (oo-boon-too)
sorry, I'm not in the habit of correcting spelling but you did ask for edits it's a good piece of writing! I also love how Solus breathes life into 10+-year-old hardware.
mike-ward Unbuntu
Ubuntu (oo-boon-too)
sorry, I'm not in the habit of correcting spelling but you did ask for edits it's a good piece of writing! I also love how Solus breathes life into 10+-year-old hardware.
mike-ward maybe mention the fact that it's a rolling release model, not a standard 6-month or LTS model. Your call on that.
I know for myself, I didn't understand the difference in the begining of my Linux journey, and it wasn't until I was on a rolling distro that I really appreciated the "install it once and use it forever" mentality. I know Mint, Ubuntu and others have come a long way with updating to new releases, but on rolling, nothing ever feels old or stale.
Excellent point. I'll add it. Is the term "curated rolling release" correct here.
synth-ruiner Definitely correct my spelling. Thanks!
I think spending time comparing to the only other feasible distro (Fedora) is the right way to do it.
Problem - computer needs alternative OS that works well since Mac os didn't
Solutions tried - list various distros, many of which were eliminated immediately (couldn't boot), some after install as they were unstable
Viable solution - Fedora, detail what worked and what didn't work so well in the distro
Permanent solution - Solus. Compare to the only other viable distro you could find
Thank you all for your valuable feedback. I'll incorporate your suggestions and post it this weekend.
I love the reference to Dr Strangelove (it's a great movie).