mike-ward Unbuntu

Ubuntu (oo-boon-too)
sorry, I'm not in the habit of correcting spelling but you did ask for edits 😁 it's a good piece of writing! I also love how Solus breathes life into 10+-year-old hardware.

    mike-ward maybe mention the fact that it's a rolling release model, not a standard 6-month or LTS model. Your call on that.

    I know for myself, I didn't understand the difference in the begining of my Linux journey, and it wasn't until I was on a rolling distro that I really appreciated the "install it once and use it forever" mentality. I know Mint, Ubuntu and others have come a long way with updating to new releases, but on rolling, nothing ever feels old or stale.

    Excellent point. I'll add it. Is the term "curated rolling release" correct here.

    brent Agree, it does take a while to work up to Solus.

    Agree, too much Fedora in there. Thing is, I really like Fedora before I found Solus.

    Agree, more detail on crud

      mike-ward Looking for Mr. Good Distro, or how I stopped worrying and learned to love the Solus Distro

      I'd definitely installed that distro after reading your post, ...but wailt, I already have it installed. So kudos for referencing Stanley Kubrick, good job!

      I think spending time comparing to the only other feasible distro (Fedora) is the right way to do it.

      Problem - computer needs alternative OS that works well since Mac os didn't
      Solutions tried - list various distros, many of which were eliminated immediately (couldn't boot), some after install as they were unstable
      Viable solution - Fedora, detail what worked and what didn't work so well in the distro
      Permanent solution - Solus. Compare to the only other viable distro you could find

        murbert on a second read I have to mostly concur. I didn't actually piece the narrative together til the second time ( I was looking at different things).

        Thank you all for your valuable feedback. I'll incorporate your suggestions and post it this weekend.

        I love the reference to Dr Strangelove (it's a great movie).