My wife has killed another laptop. Well, maybe that's not quite fair, but she's gone through a lot of them. I think this one simply died while she was using it.
My wife is a senior who is not the least bit technical. A Chromebook would serve her well, I think, but the ChromeOS will not. She loves playing games like Spider solitaire, Shisen-sho, and Mahjongg all day, but is not interested in typical Internet games.
After the last time her computer died -- or was killed -- I ordered a Chromebook for her, but not only did it not come with any games, it couldn't even connect with our wi-fi, so we couldn't get it online at all. I had to return it, and let her use a spare laptop of mine.
This tiime I'd like to try another Chromebook, but I'm looking for a recommendation from the forum. I need a Chromebook that I know I can install Solus on. I assume any good quality machine will have decent wi-fi, but I'm not interested in something that will run ChromeOS only. I assume it needs a 64-bit Celeron CPU?
Any ideas from the forum? Extra points for personal recommendations from folks now running Solus on a Chromebook!