Is it possible to get better, inherently, in solving dynamic programming problems, or at best we can do is just recognizing patterns (since it is completely a matter of innate talent to get creative in solving problems we have never seen before)?

Would appreciate any feedback. TIA..!

    codewarrior Is it possible to get better, inherently, in solving dynamic programming problems, or at best we can do is just recognizing patterns (since it is completely a matter of innate talent to get creative in solving problems we have never seen before)?

    inherently better and pattern recognition seem separate on one level (memory vs muscle memory I guess) and so chicken and the egg on the other hand. Many can't see patterns to save their life (not wired that way) so spotting patterns and inherent knowledge become don't get near each other the way you described.
    See patterns in the chaos is part of inherent learning the extent you inherently---or as a consequence---learn the reason/context behind the patterns. Can't say these terms are inclusive or exclusive to each other unless you see can see or understand the reasons why/because in the patterns. Agreed experience would fill in the whys---but heck yes you can always get better. Reading everything you can get your hands on aids in this, too.
    But sometimes recognizing patterns period has a role in troubleshooting as well. Rhetorical questions lead to convoluted rhetorical answers like this🙂