I'm using Solus as the main distro, I want to help with the translation into Brazilian Portuguese. I saw that it is marked as 100% complete, but there are still many menus that are in English even by selecting the Pt-BR language.

I am a writer and I can contribute as much as possible.

My website : https://edivansanttos.com.br/

You can help translate software made by Solus on https://translate.getsol.us/

For other software used by Solus, you need to contact their respective author. Usually people only helps translating project that they use directly.

    edivan Well, you can register and tried to update all the translations. I don't get what you mean by menu. Maybe give us a screenshot?


      See that there are parts in English, but the selected language is portuguese brazil, pt-br. Elsewhere it also has.

      I thought you mean translations for Budgie. Software Center is kinda on hold, all the translation for Software Center is done on transifex link that @kyrios share. Just need to sync the translations from transifex.

      Unfortunately that isn't going to happen because we don't have access to Transifex. It'll likely have to wait until the Software Center rewrite, at which point I'll set up a Software Center component on our Weblate.