
I'd like to help resolving https://dev.getsol.us/T10029 by packaging czkawka, but I have some issues.
The package.yml so far works, but the install do not create a new menu item and also the sub package missing the component property.

name       : czkawka
version    : 4.1.0
release    : 1
source     :
    - https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/archive/refs/tags/4.1.0.tar.gz : 3399a2878554692fd00b16226248727bdcf1188d247d584d28ded35800fb42ba
license    : MIT
component  : system.utils
summary    : Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
description: |
    Czkawka is a simple, fast and free app to remove unnecessary files from your computer.
networking : yes
builddeps  :
    - cargo
    - libgtk-3-devel
build      : |
    cargo build --release
install    : |
    install -Dm00755 target/release/czkawka_gui $installdir/usr/bin/czkawka-gui
    install -Dm00755 target/release/czkawka_cli $installdir/usr/bin/czkawka
patterns   :
    - cli: [/usr/bin/czkawka]

$ eopkg info czkawka-4.1.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg 
Package file        : czkawka-4.1.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg
Name                : czkawka, version: 4.1.0, release: 1
Summary             : Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
Description         : Czkawka is a simple, fast and free app to remove unnecessary files from your computer.
Licenses            : MIT
Component           : system.utils
Dependencies        : gdk-pixbuf libgtk-3 libgcc libcairo glibc glib2 pango 
Distribution        : Solus, Dist. Release: 1
Architecture        : x86_64, Installed Size: 10.31 MB

$ eopkg info czkawka-cli-4.1.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg 
Package file        : czkawka-cli-4.1.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg
Name                : czkawka-cli, version: 4.1.0, release: 1
Summary             : Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
Description         : Czkawka is a simple, fast and free app to remove unnecessary files from your computer.
Licenses            : MIT
Component           : None
Dependencies        : glibc libgcc 
Distribution        : Solus, Dist. Release: 1
Architecture        : x86_64, Installed Size: 7.07 MB```

Can somebody provide instructions, how to fix these issues?

Currently about to go out, so quickly, without looking at the repository for this program specifically:

For it to show up in the menu, there has to be a desktop file in /usr/share/applications. Does it create one during the build, if so, move it to that location. If not, you'll have to create your own (and place it there).

To set the component for the sub-package:

component :
- system.utils
- cli : system.utils

@peterreisz I modified your package.yml into this:

name       : czkawka
version    : 4.1.0
release    : 1
source     :
    - https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/archive/refs/tags/4.1.0.tar.gz : 3399a2878554692fd00b16226248727bdcf1188d247d584d28ded35800fb42ba
homepage   : https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka
license    : MIT
component  : system.utils
summary    : Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc
description: |
    Czkawka is a simple, fast and free app to remove unnecessary files from your computer.
networking : yes
builddeps  :
    - pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
    - cargo
build      : |
    cargo build --release
install    : |
    install -Dm00755 target/release/czkawka_gui $installdir/usr/bin/czkawka_gui
    install -Dm00755 target/release/czkawka_cli $installdir/usr/bin/czkawka_cli
    install -Dm00644 data/com.github.qarmin.czkawka.desktop -t $installdir/usr/share/applications
    install -Dm00644 data/icons/*.svg -t $installdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps
    install -Dm00644 data/com.github.qarmin.czkawka.metainfo.xml -t $installdir/usr/share/metainfo

Thanks for the help!

I though it would be good idea to package the cli and the gui separatly. They are independent. The modified package.yml contains both in one package.