Just as the title suggests. Ventoy supports running VHD (Virtual Hard Disks - in multiple formats) from bare-metal aka, from the physical hardware without the usage of any virtualbox/vmware or virtualization software/technology.
This is the plugin site: vtoyboot
Just after the supported distros list, it suggests this: "In theory, other distros which use dracut/initramfstool/mkinitcpio to build initramfs are also supported."
And considering Solus also uses dracut to make the initramfs, why not use this to boot Solus? Anyways, that's the idea.
First things first, Solus doesn't support dkms. Initrd is compiled by them and pushed directly instead of it being compiled at users system. Hence, dracut command is not initially present.
Which makes the vtoyboot scripts fail to identify Solus as a distro meeting the requirements.
This can be solved via: sudo eopkg install dracut
After this vtoy scripts identify it as using dracut to build initramfs and the script runs almost successfully, with some light issues.
This is the log that the script made. I noticed that it mentions that some of the modules couldn't be installed because they were not found. Even though doing a dracut --list-modules shows all of those modules present. Which is weird, and that is coming from a person who has almost no knowledge about linux so, maybe it's not so weird to others.
Second thing, that the script puts the new file, named as initramfs-.img within the /boot directory in the root partition. And since Solus boots from the initrd- file in the ESP partition I am in a dilemma on how to make it boot using this new file.
And third, the size of the new file is pretty much half of the actual file from the ESP partition. (maybe perhaps because of all of those not found modules???)
Can somebody help with this?
@DataDrake Hiya, I asked for help to compile the kernel on IRC and made progress on that, but I am unsure whether I actually need to compile the whole kernel or what, for the above use case.