How did you install pip or repo? Maybe you need to install something. I don't use so I don't know.
eopkg sr jupyter
python-nbclient - A client library for executing notebooks
python-ipykernel - IPython Kernel for Jupyter
python-jupyter_client - Jupyter protocol client APIs
python-notebook - A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing
python-nbconvert - Jupyter Notebook Conversion
python-spyder-kernels - Jupyter Kernels for the Spyder console
python-jupyterlab-pygments - Pygments theme using JupyterLab CSS variables
python-jupyter_core - Core Jupyter functionality
python-matplotlib-inline - Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter
python-qtconsole - Jupyter Qt Console
python-nbformat - Reference implementation of the Jupyter Notebook format
python-ipyparallel - Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython