Just a quick ask. Your download page states that the last version was July of 21? Is that really correct and when can I expect a version change. Thinking on using? Been on Solus years ago but am afraid you media is out of date. Please correct me if I am wrong. Nice community it appears. Thank you!
Current versions on download page
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yep new iso is needed, as well as a schedule for the future iso's, like quarterly or something. there IS a newer iso that was released to financial contributors on the 3rd of october. id be happy to share the link but i dont know if its allowed. i dont know if this iso was more or less an autogenerated snapshot, its something solus should produce, and then properly tested isos now and then, perhaps quarterly as susggested
Thank you for your response @Lucien_Lachance. thanks for the offer of a more recent version, but will keep my eyes open for the next version. You have a nice rest of your wk. Thank you!
Solus is a wonderful Linux OS. I've enjoyed using it in the past. Overall, here is nothing better out there that suits my needs better! However, I'm not using Solus ATM. Why? A rolling release distro dated July 21 doesn't inspire confidence (for me). Further, with the upheavals with the Solus camp I am worried to commit to Solus until I am more confident that it is active development and has a team that can deliver. A new ISO would be such a confidence boosting measure.
On further observation, or want on my part, is a a choice of layouts / themes ala Ubuntu Solus. IMO would be an idea to make the best distro even better
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NFFCReds1 Solus is a wonderful Linux OS. I've enjoyed using it in the past. Overall, here is nothing better out there that suits my needs better! However, I'm not using Solus ATM. Why? A rolling release distro dated July 21 doesn't inspire confidence (for me). Further, with the upheavals with the Solus camp I am worried to commit to Solus until I am more confident that it is active development and has a team that can deliver. A new ISO would be such a confidence boosting measure.
The ISO is dated July 21, but Solus is updated weekly, with a few exceptions. To me, the ISO is not a big issue because it updates to current on installation. I am pulling for the Solus team (as well as the BuddiesOfBudgie team), but there is no guarantee of what the future will bring. I think that both teams are feeling their way to some extent right now, but I'm confident that it will work out.
NFFCReds1 On further observation, or want on my part, is a a choice of layouts / themes ala Ubuntu Solus. IMO would be an idea to make the best distro even better.
For what it is worth, I tested Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 for months before it was released, and now have Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 LTS on my production computer, using Ubuntu Budgie and Solus Budgie more or less on an equal footing. Both are superb implementations of Budgie 10.6.1.
I looked at the other Ubuntu Budgie theme/layout options, but I use the default Pocillo theme and the "Traditional Budgie" layout rather than any of the others because the traditional layout is almost identical to the layout used on Solus, and Pocillio is less "grey" than the alternatives.
If you are concerned about the long-term stability of Solus Budgie, you might consider moving over to Ubuntu Budgie. Ubuntu Budgie is also struggling with the changes that are coming to Budgie as Budgie moves away from the Gnome stack with Budgie 11, so there are no guarantees with UB, either. But if you are looking for stability, UB 22.04 LTS will be supported for three years in its present state, with minor point releases.