brent In response to your question on another thread ("WIN on one disk and Solus on another, where would you prefer to test/run bare metal install distros (non-VM)? I have Solus and WIN both backed up and ready to go. For some reason I can't get over the "where" hurdle. I think the WIN SSD the better pick but I don't know. Thanks"):
I would elect would install on the WIN drive. If you install on the WIN drive, Grub (I'm assuming that whatever distros you are installing will use Grub, because almost all do) will not get into conflict with the Linux Boot Manager.
Grub "plays well" with Windows, for the most part. But I'm no expert in the area of installing two EFI partitions on a single drive and I might be completely out to lunch.
Right or wrong about that, though, there is a practical reason why I think you should install on the WIN drive rather than the Solus drive. You hardly use Windows at all, as I remember, but you use Solus as your production OS. If you screw something up on the WIN drive, you won't affect your Solus installation, so no harm, no foul.
I don't see any reason why you can't format the new partition on the WIN drive as EXT4, but you might want to check that out.