One of my scripts for failing so I was trying to check location of a file. As usual, I tried locate steam
but for some reason, it said locate command is not found.
I assumed that somehow, it got uninstalled, although I don't know how, but I tried to install it again, eopkg told me that package doesn't even exists.
I didn't believe it at first since I have been using locate since forever, I ran eopkg search locate
and turns out, locate doesn't exists on the repos anymore.
abhinav@abhinav-sol ~ $ sudo eopkg search locate
libxcursor-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for libxcursor
perl-file-basedir - Perl Base Directory implementation
bdwgc-devel - Development files for bdwgc
libxcursor-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libxcursor
proc-maps - Tool for analyzing the information provided by /proc/*/maps
libxcursor-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit libxcursor
dmg2img - Program that lets you convert .dmg files to .img files
bdwgc - Boehm-Demer-Weiser Garbage Collector
plocate-dbginfo - Debug symbols for plocate
perl-file-sharedir-install - Install read-only date files from Perl
stow - A symlink farm manager
libxcursor-32bit - 32-bit libraries for libxcursor
proc-maps-dbginfo - Debug symbols for proc-maps
perl-file-sharedir - Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
dmg2img-dbginfo - Debug symbols for dmg2img
budgie-visualspace-applet - Show and manage windows in workspaces for the Budgie Desktop
bdwgc-dbginfo - Debug symbols for bdwgc
libxcursor - X Cursor management library
libxcursor-devel - Development files for libxcursor
python-evdev - Python bindings for the Linux input subsystem
catfish - Versatile file searching tool
plocate - plocate, a much faster locate
bdwgc-32bit - 32-bit libraries for bdwgc
bdwgc-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit bdwgc
python-evdev-dbginfo - Debug symbols for python-evdev
bdwgc-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for bdwgc
abhinav@abhinav-sol ~ $
Q: What has happened? updatedb
does exists but locate has vanished from my system.
Q: plocate
doesn't have permission to use locate.db, so it is not a viable solution. a lot of my scripts depends locate command.