from 5 days ago to boot.
respects and encourages this kind of distro independence--he was taken with the spirit
complimented core teams's decision in direction
did not bitch about repos or third party----it was implied with flat and snap everyone gets what they want--he praised the curation more than twice--
but contradictory comes back with limited steam and cutting edge stuff
this guy had a sponsor but it mattered not. I watched all 15 min. and could detect little to no negativity.
he was impressed with performance.
Most fascinating thing he said is if UBU gets eaten by MS then Linux becomes a corporate arm of WIN then only Solus and others like it will be the Mad Max-like true survivors.
Levelheaded. Not persnickety. Actually enjoyed this one. Usually they are zzzz with no install and enough drama to fill an oprah episode.
most level-headed Solus review I've seen (lately)