WetGeek EDIT: Wow! Text scaline is no longer just 100% or 200%. Having set it to 125% I can now clearly read all text on my 1920x1080 laptop screen

Where do you find this setting???

    Solarmass The problem is that Plata-Noir will become more and more outdated and not supported

    Is that a prophesy? Or do you have it on good authority that its days are numbered?

      WetGeek the last commit to it was November 3, 2020. And there's been no response to filed issues for even longer than that.

        WetGeek Oh, that's been doable for ages. Mine is set to 1.55. I was hoping you had mis-typed as I'm looking for proper fractional scaling of the whole display. Someday perhaps.

          EbonJaeger the last commit to it was November 3, 2020. And there's been no response to filed issues for even longer than that.

          In that case, I'm sincerely sorry for its fans. And it's pretty clear that the existence of Materia has nothing to do with that. I notice that Plata-Dark is still available in the Budgie desktop settings, though, so its demise is not a clear and present threat to its users. I'm thankful for that.

          It reminds me of my recent experience with the Pisi distro.

          murbert I was hoping you had mis-typed

          No, not mistyped. Misunderstood, perhaps. The last time I looked at that setting in Budgie, the only choices were 100% and 200%. Neither worked well for my laptop nor the video streaming computer that drives my 4K TV.

          Whenever it was changed, I'm glad it's there now.

          I'm consused about the rest of your comment, though. What does that setting not affect on Budgie? I ask, because that might be important to me as well, given that I'm considering changing back to Budgie for all my computers here. I haven't noticed anything else (yet) on this VM.

            WetGeek I'm consused about the rest of your comment, though. What does that setting not affect on Budgie? I ask, because that might be important to me as well, given that I'm considering changing back to Budgie for all my computers here. I haven't noticed anything else (yet) on this VM.

            If you change display scaling to 125%, everything is 25% larger. Windows, panels, fonts etc. Font scaling changes only the font size (and perhaps the border it is in.) Check in Plasma, you can change both there.

              murbert Check in Plasma, you can change both there.

              Ah, I understand now. As it happens, I do prefer the Budgie version on both my TV and laptop, so that's one I won't need to worry about. Thanks!

              I haven't checked to see whether Budgie increases the size of the application icons in the workspace switcher applet when the bottom panel is made bigger. That wasn't exactly a showstopper on my TV (viewing from across the living room), but I was pleased with the way Plasma did it. I'll check that on Budgie today.

              EDIT: Correction, neither DE changes the icon sizes in the workspace switcher. I'd mis-remembered. Plasma does scale them in the task switcher, though, and Budgie does not. That's what I remembered.

              EbonJaeger I have been thinking that the whole desktop area could be something much more, alive. Maybe a viewport to any single application chosen by the user. This could be easy to implement by the budgie developers as the background would be like any other aplication window only beneath everything else, maximized in size and without borders or the title bar. THEN: Some users would obviously choose an aplication that simply draws a static image i.e. the background image. Some might choose a file explorer with freely placeable icons. And some (like me) could choose their own custom made aplication with clickable elements and live content fetched from the internet.

              @EbonJaeger returned from my first holiday since 2019 and your budgie got better. been online after updates for a couple hours. thanks for your dedication to this project after the lead left--it's still the best DE for me.

              @EbonJaeger I did a fresh install of Solus Budgie on my desktop last night because I screwed up Gnome Boxes so badly over the last few weeks that it was faster to reinstall than sort out the mess, and I noticed something this morning: Budgie 10.6 > Budgie Desktop Settings > Widgets is set to Plata-Noir rather than Materia-Dark. I noticed that the other day after the 10.6 Budgie upgrade came through, and changed Plata-Noir to Materia-Dark, but I assumed that it was an artifact of the upgrade process. It appears not. What's the thinking?

              @EbonJaeger Thanks for taking care of Budgie in Solus!
              With the March 17th update I noticed that most of the system settings menu entries are gone. Typing wifi, about, users etc. in the application search does not yield any results. I can still reach the Gnome System Settings by right-clicking on the desktop.
              Additonally, Budgie Control Center -> About has the Budgie logo rather than the Solus logo.
              Here are screenshots of the System Settings menu before and after the update:

              Since the release notes mention 'Renamed GNOME Control Center references to Budgie Control Center' I suspect that the issue might be related to the Budgie update.

                13 days later

                Lucien_Lachance from BofB:
                "Icon Tasklist
                Fixed new applications not displaying in the tasklist when using restrict-to-workspace. #73
                Fixed a regression in no longer being able to move non-favorited / non-pinned applications. #79
                Fixed a regression where some IconButtons would remain in the IconTasklist. #78
                Introduced a supplemental buttons check that will also attempt to filter out any .desktop from an application ID for buttons, if we cannot find the button with an app id.
                Removed delay when opening apps. This was introduced in Abomination in an attempt to fix Chrome profile manager closing sequence but endend up breaking some other apps (such as Steam) closing sequence. Instead, try to reparent first app of group when an app associated with a pinned icon is closed so that the pinned button is reused. #85
                Notification Server
                Improved racyness when a notification is closed and another one shown in quick succession, causing incorrect notification positioning. This was noticeable when using applications that did not fully adhere to the Desktop Notifications Spec and the Replaces ID component of a Notification (to replace an existing notification), such as in the Lollypop audio player.
                Popover Manager
                Added a null check to budgie_popover_manager_ungrab for added safety.
                No longer modify NotificationGroup HashTables while iterating over them. This prevents a critical message when dismissing notification groups. When iterating over a HashTable using the foreach method, the table should not be modified. Instead, use foreach_steal to iterate and remove from the notifications table.
                Fixed use of the Raven "Clear All Notifications" shortcut. #75
                Introduced a fix where clicking the notification bell, or alternatively when clicking the Raven trigger for the first time, would sometimes fail to open the correct page. This was due to those pages not yet being visible and in that scenario, GTK would silently fail during the GtkStack page changing. #31"

                Minor as they said in the tweet. Could find no info about what future plans are for Budgie at their site. I wonder if Camera/Mic control at the DE level will come back? I know free-moving desktop icons will never come back and I've made an uneasy peace with itπŸ˜‰. Raven, I always thought, had the potential to do more great things at the user level. Been watching this thing grow for a long time. viva la budgie; full steam ahead.