Axios Why cant we enter commands under the startup apps all we can add is appications Budgie let me do a command?
brent Axios yes, i autostart a .txt doc every day. the command is /path/to/file. (edit: I have budgie)
Axios brent My brain was out to lunch AGAIN! did not type that (I just read what I typed above) I did it on budgie was wondering why gnome doesnt.
brent Axios no my friend chances are you typed it fine and it's me who didn't understand. i'm underwater learning a new program right now and out of brain cells and fuel🙂 edit: that said it would be strange if Gnome had no scripted autostart commands or a way to do it..
Junglist You can make a new menu entry for the command you want to run with menulibre. After doing so, you can add it to startup applications via gnome-tweaks.