rav101 I've mine setup the same way, panel at the top and nothing fancy, it works very well for me personally! Welcome to Linux, welcome to the Solus community 🙂

JoshStrobl I still haven't found anything that in my opinion can replace Arc.
Qogir almost got there, however there are a few small things that prevented it from doing so.

CorvusRuber Is that a weather applet?
Never mind, I had found it (along with GWeather's results in my area being politically skewed).

Heya! I'm new here but here's my pretty basic setup. I don't look much at the desktop much because I'm always in an editor, game, or a terminal. 🙂

Terminal: Kitty
Applets: Screenshot, Haste, Weather (Modified)

Keeping it simple with a transparent and narrow bar at the top and suckless terminal.
PS uploading files is a pain, had to look up XHR response to see that it returned a 413 status code, otherwise kept giving me the "Ooops..." error message 🤦‍♂️

bluvisnu Is that Docky or Plank? I'm afraid I haven't had much luck with Plank except on Elementary OS.

    Love the elegance of Budgie.

    Story: When I first installed Solus in late 2016, the wallpaper of a bridge fascinated me in where it was.
    I reached out and was informed that it was taken in Tullamore, Ireland, not far away from where Ikey lived.
    The photographer and I have became good friends, and my wife and I visited him and his wife in October 2018.
    Solus is truly a community!