Hi Team,
this is a very ambitious project and sparked curiosity to I hope many fans, unfortunately for users ends as a wasting time. I personally follow the book (BTW other online sources are more comprehensive and reliable) and installed in the last 2 weeks lots of solus in various setting environments. My uptake is that every installation broke after I "upgraded" recommended "security" which was actually a upgrade to 'current' even my repo was 'stable'.
However after downloading over 800Mb upgrade and everything nice and check OK the reboot failed with a black screen and no clues. It looks like this OS works as long package manager is left alone untouched. For example I installed mc, htop and no surprise system boot broke. I asked some advice from community but I noticed there are a lot more questions and issues than answers and solutions. With all the bells and whistles this very promising distro has to be tested before is released. Thanks!
needed a robust and stable distro for high school computer labs project