I was very happy to discover that the Mullvad Linux client has become available in the Solus repos. Mullvad is one of the best VPN's, with very nice client software.
After installing it with sudo eopkg -v install mullvad
I could find the application icon in the 'Internet' menu. After firing it up the Mullvad client window hung at 'Connecting to mullvad system service'. As expected, the mullvad-daemon wasn't running.
After some comparisons with my Debian system I found out that the Mullvad files got installed in /usr/share/mullvad
, instead of /opt/Mullvad VPN/
as in Debian. The mullvad-daemon.service file wasn't even present in /etc/systemd/system
After firing the daemon by:
$ cd /usr/share/mullvad/resources
$ sudo ./mullvad-daemon -v
the client accepted the Mullvad account token and ran fine.
I did the following:
First I edited the ExecStart line in /usr/share/usr/share/mullvad/resources/mullvad-daemon.service
to: ExecStart=/usr/share/mullvad/resources/mullvad-daemon -v --disable-stdout-timestamps
Then copied the file to the systemd directory, enabled the service and started it:
$ sudo cp /usr/share/usr/share/mullvad/resources/mullvad-daemon.service /etc/systemd/system
$ sudo systemctl enable mullvad-daemon.service
$ sudo systemctl start mullvad-daemon.service
And everything worked fine.
I dropped this story here to be of first help if someone gets stuck the same way i did.
Also this is a request to the maintainer of the mullvad package to consider if the way of installing this software has to be changed.
Since a while version 2021.6 of the client is available, so an update of the repo would be very welcome too.