[can you tell I had a little time off?]

1) http://nifty.stanford.edu/
This is where comp-sci professors share lesson plans. Aspiring programmers/students get exercises in DIY building sankey diagrams, rocket landing simulators, covid simulators, a million more, and my personal favorite the bar chart racer. Exercises in many programming languages. I am going to try to bash script a bar chart on the evolution of a car.

2) https://wiby.me/?q=
Wiby is the dangdest weirdest search engine I ever used. It's so punk rock it sneers at your search term and doesn't even really use it. It scrapes ONLY the obscure mostly tech-related sites with a 90s/2000s flavor. I haven't read their 'about us' or anything, because I don't want to ruin the magic...prepare to have your mind blown if you like tech research and oddities.

That is actually a cool engine...wiby that is. Thanks!

    jppelt that search engine has taken me on some cool adventures for sure