I was playing around with i3 on EndeavourOS (because i wanted a preconfigured setup to try it out) lately.
As i3 is available in the Solus Repos too, I wonder about how you guys are running it:

  1. Which terminal
  2. Which filemanager
  3. Which Panel (Config)
  4. Keep Budgie/Mate Stuff or remove it
  5. If you remove the Budgie/Mate Stuff, are you using GUI-Tools for system-management? (e.g. lxappearance)



    1. Was using alacrity but recently patched urxvt in a local build to improve font rendering and enable wide-glyphs, but both are great options
    2. nnn (cli) and nautilus (gui)
    3. i3 bar with my own bar status script
    4. Kept budgie stuff around in case someone needs to use my laptop, but been wondering what it would be like to go window manager only
    5. N/A but I do use lxappearance

    528491 Which terminal

    Alacritty (Kitty is also good)

    Which filemanager

    Nautilus or maybe Ranger (or just doing file stuff in the terminal)

    Which Panel (Config)

    whatever the default is, and I use rofi for launching programs

    Keep Budgie/Mate Stuff or remove it

    leave it - it's nice to have options, and having it installed isn't hurting anything

    If you remove the Budgie/Mate Stuff, are you using GUI-Tools for system-management? (e.g. lxappearance)

    yeah, I use lxappearance for GTK theme selection and stuff!