WetGeek To be honest, I've never bothered to do it otherwise. I always got an error when trying to install in UEFI mode, but the legacy worked, so that's how I've always installed Linux (lazy, I know 😃)
riffer Funny you should mention that. It's what I initially set out to do - have the drive encrypted from the get-go. I assumed the encryption might have been the issue, the first time I ended up at the black screen. I subsequently tried twice to format and install unencrypted - nothing. Same deal. I tried adding the extra info option in GRUB, but I could not see any errors during the launch process. I select Solus, it loads fine and then - blank screen. The only variable when compared with my current Solus install (which I am posting this from), is the NVME SSD as opposed to a regular HDD.
One note - when I installed Manjaro everything had this yellow tint. But I attribute that to borked video drivers or something. Pop OS installed flawlessly and hasn't given me any problems. But I really want to run Solus, not anything else. I'm quite out of ideas, here.
Also, I'd really like to either encrypt the whole drive or at least some of the folders (not sure /home is enough), so my browser, saved passwords, chat program history etc. are fully protected.
PS I did follow the tutorial to fix the installed packages using chroot - all it did was make the blinking underscore disappear altogether.