Hello all,
I'm new to the Solus project heard a lot of good things about Solus. I've download and installed and really like what I'm seeing. I did an update via Software Center and reboot and notice I was getting a black screen, as I looked for the black screen issue it finally pops something up. So I did a reboot just in case and notice my boot speed is slow.
- Hp Logo
- Black screen for 56sec
- Login screen
- Black screen for 28sec
- Boot sound
- Black screen for 26sec
- Desktop
I went and open Firefox and notice it was slow to open, so I did a snap list
to see if pull an Ubuntu and saw there were no snaps installed. When I open the software center it opens fast. It seems like on the live environment and after installing before updating Solus was smooth as butter and was really impress on it until I update and reboot made me disappointed.
When booting I tried hitting either F9 or F12 or even all F# keys to get a screen full of text to see what's going on, on boot and just get nothing.
Hope there's a fix for this, I've scan through the forum and Google and saw nothing. Thank you and hope you all have a wonderful time 🙂