• Support
  • snap zoom-client refreshing/installing issue


I faced the following issue when tried to refresh the zoom-client from the snap:

sudo snap refresh zoom-client
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Run configure hook of "zoom-client" snap if present (run hook "configure": cannot query current apparmor profile: Invalid argument)

After forum browsing I have done the next steps:

sudo eopkg it --reinstall snapd
sudo usysconf run -f
sudo eopkg it --reinstall apparmor

It does not help:

sudo snap remove zoom-client
sudo snap install zoom-client
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Run configure hook of "zoom-client" snap if present (run hook "configure": cannot query current apparmor profile: Invalid argument)

Any thoughts?

snap version
snap    2.52.0
snapd   2.52.0
series  16
solus   4.3
kernel  5.14.14-202.current


It's a little bit weird:

sudo systemctl restart apparmor
sudo snap instanap install zoom-client
Warning: /snap/bin was not found in your $PATH. If you've not restarted your session since you
         installed snapd, try doing that. Please see https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/9469 for more

zoom-client from Oliver Grawert (ogra) installed

not a solution just a 2 cents: this has never happened in zoom/flatpak for me
but have had apparmor app warnings before and discontinued use til fixed

I use the flatpak-version, since I had some problems with the snap version. But even in the flatpak-version, I have some problems when using the interface. Some functions are not available, for example, changing the stream recording directory. The buttons just don't work.

    alexanderzhirov I have those problems with the flatpak oh so rarely, but lately. It seems there is a new version every week so I'm glad it's maintained---now I just got to remember to do it weekly.

    alexanderzhirov You might try flat seal. I had similar issues moving to the flat of Kodi (specifically being able to access network mounts) and flat seal allowed me to edit those permissions and get it working.

    "Flatseal is a graphical utility to review and modify permissions from your Flatpak applications. Simply launch Flatseal, select an application and modify its permissions. Restart the application after making the changes. If anything goes wrong just press the reset button."

    never head of this until now. it's interesting. as far as alexanderzhirov 's problem, and to a smaller extent mine, the implication is some flatpak apps retain root privileges for some things? and that's what you'd use seal for?
    paint me intrigued on this one.

      brent I'm no expert, but the way I understand it is flatpak apps are running in something similar to a container and you may need to give them permissions in certain cases. Kodi had native permissions to access my local media folders, which would probably be fine in most cases, but all of my media is on a network drive and it lacked access. Flat seal made it really easy to just click on what I wanted it to have access to.

        zmaint I forgot all about the container aspect--all this makes sense. There are features in zoom that my pc partner has and I dont (emojis, bells, whistles) have and I always thought it was a linux limitation. I'm going to install seal and see what it unlocks or grants or restricts. Thanks for the great info.

          Hey thats cool program just installed.

            Axios I installed it but don't have time to play with it for a few days. let me know what you find out.

            brent of if you have just one partner you can try to convince him/her to use alternate services like jitsi for example.

              kyrios Unfortunately I'm in sales.. I'm more at the mercy of whatever my customer/vendor is using. Sadly I'm often stuck with Teams/Zoom🙁

                kyrios zmaint --exactly, I LOVE JITSI but I need to convince a bunch of others to love it, too! Until then I gotta pay for Zoom🙂

                zmaint I was answering @brent
                I am like you, on the professional side, I keep on using ms-teams, zoom and webex because that's what our suppliers are using or that my company is enforcing.
                But outside my professional activity, I see more and more people willing to use free tools that are more respectful of their (and my) privacy and that's quite a change. Still a few years ago, most people only wanted to use the applications from the bug tech.