Hello everyone! I am using Solus on i3wm. Can anyone please tell me how you can use the curved corners of the windows on the Solus i3? Thanks in advance for your time, good luck!
Help to make rounded corners of windows I3
ANANAZZ rounded corners are not supported by i3 or i3-gaps so you'd have to build or package an existing fork yourself. I've never done this myself (ie. Do your own due diligence) but I believe there's two ways to go about this:
- Build the rounded i3-gaps fork by resloved on GitHub or,
- Build the picom fork with support for rounded corners by ibhagwan on GitHub
I've never had issues building my own packages with Solus but obviously you'd want to proceed with caution and understand you'd be on your own when it comes to any kind of support afterward.
23 days later