ermo You're probably referring to the _netdev option.
Yes, I was reminded of that when I started researching the matter again. One of the problems with trying to get a better understanding is the fact that just about every article I could find was so outdated. I was beginning to get enthusiastic about one, but then noticed it was from 2013. I'm pretty sure that predates the time my original approach stopped working, so I didn't think it was worth the trouble to set up that method and watch it fail again.
As I mentioned, getting my shares mounted automatically is in the category of "nice to have," as far as I'm concerned, but certainly not a necessity. Being retired, the few seconds that it takes me to issue a mount
command are insignificant, since I'm setting up a terminal anyway. I guess I'm just curious enough (and stubborn enough) to want to make it work.
Since my curiosity hasn't yet been satisfied, I'll continue to look for the answer I'm seeking. And if I find something that works, I'll definitely let you know.