I can't tell you if it's serious. If you have no broken packages it does not appear serious to me in cursory research (cut and paste error into search eng.) I'm not a pro.
sudo systemctl status systemd-backlight@amdgpu_bl0.service
sudo systemctl start systemd-backlight@amdgpu_bl0.service
might yield some clues. Here's mine:
sudo systemctl status systemd-backlight@amdgpu_bl0.service
● systemd-backlight@amdgpu_bl0.service - Load/Save Screen Backlight Brightness of amdgpu_>
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-backlight@.service; static)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:systemd-backlight@.service(8)
I guess that means see page 8 of the man? I'm curious, too, so I'll watch this thread.