Hey all!
So I've noticed a common complaint among those I interact with on Discord, lately. Whenever I'm booted into Linux they say I sound awful, the fan on my desk is too loud, and I sound like I'm calling from an old cellphone. I'm using a USB condenser
microphone made by TONOR.
When I switch into Windows 10 (still dual booting only for COD:MW) they say I sound much, much better.
I noticed that Discord offers 'Krisp' for the client in Windows, but not for the Linux client. I think this is the source of some of my particular woes, but I got curious to see whether or not there were any ways I could improve the quality of my microphone in Linux.
In the past, I have meddled with Jack with some success, and I was considering going back down this route (supplanting Pulse Audio). My question is thus: does anyone know of a good starting point to improve microphone quality on Linux?