Hi all. There is a laptop i7 7700hq, gtx 1070.
Intel built-in NO! After installing drivers, any (390xx or newer) is not dimmable. From the word at all. The fn buttons work, the slider level is changed.
What was done: Old firewood 390xx or 460xx + kernel commands in the hornbeam:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX = “nvidia.NVreg_EnableBacklightHandler = 1 acpi_backlight = vendor”
editing the nvidia file in xorg.conf.d: Option “RegistryDwords” “EnableBrightnessControl = 1”
Everything works as it should.
nvidia know about this: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/laptop-backlight-control-regression-with-465-24-02/175585/23
I have question: where is i found 460xx driver on Solus distro?
I need driver version nvidia 460xx on Solus!
P.S. i tried all with newest drivers (465xx, 470xx) : https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/backlight