I just updated Solus 4.3 after my laptop was off for about 2 days. Now, I'm unable to run Files (Nautilus). I tried to reinstall it (eopkg rm nautilus .. eopkg it nautilus) which ran without errors, but Files still does not work. Here is the message when run from cli: nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.68: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Fixed this issue by running eopkg rm nautilus, then installing nautilus using it's flatpak: flatpak install nautilus. Any reason why this Gnome based application is not working as a native application in Solus 4.3?

I'm pretty sure you're on Unstable. @JoshStrobl is in the middle of an ICU update, so updating is not recommended.

If you are going to stay on Unstable, it's highly recommended to hang out in #solus-dev over on libera.chat