Hi there, i had some problems while using the bluetooth applet in Solus, sometimes it pairs with my devices sometimes not, but the most anoying problem i had was that after reboot none of my devices would reconnect automatically or manually, so i had to remove the device from the bluetooth applet list and pair it again. I found a ubuntu tutorial that fitted my needs,it begins like this:
- Go to terminal and execute bluetoothctl
- Use the command "show" to show your devices
- Use the command "select id-id-id-id " for selecting your bluetooth host example: "select DC:53:60😃8:09:77"
- Put the external device you want to pair in "pairing mode" - normally some devices blink white/red after this
- Use the command "agent on"
- Use the command "scan on" - this will search for external devices, normally new devices has this tag [NEW] - example [NEW] Device EA:0A:EF😃3:62:C2 AWEI AK-MUSIC
- When you find the device you want to connect write "scan off"
- After use the command "pair id-id-id-id" " example "pair EA:0A:EF😃3:62:C2"
- After pairing with success use the command connect id-id-id-id example : "connect EA:0A:EF😃3:62:C2"
- Use then the command "trust id-id-id-id" , example : "trust EA:0A:EF😃3:62:C2"
- After all of this, run quit to go outside the bluetoothctl, and you are done.
After using this tutorial i never had problems again with the two devices i mention before and also after reboot they work normally.
Hope it helps someone.