I have reinstalled Solus recently and am facing an issue where the monitors won't turn on after resuming from a screen lock (Meta+L), or an automatic screen blank. The system becomes unresponsive and forces me to shutdown/hard reset. After digging in journalctl I THINK that this is related due to amdgpu specific behavior in latest kernels (LTS kernel works fine).
journalctl log: https://hastebin.com/epimidubev.yaml
inxi: https://hastebin.com/uposeloxuk.yaml
Suspected lines from journalctl:
Jul 12 19:45:11 binsolus kernel: amdgpu: SMU load firmware failed
Jul 12 19:45:11 binsolus kernel: amdgpu: fw load failed
Jul 12 19:45:11 binsolus kernel: amdgpu: smu firmware loading failed
Jul 12 19:45:11 binsolus kernel: amdgpu 0000:01:00.0: amdgpu: amdgpu_device_ip_resume failed (-22).
Any help/workaround would be much appreciated. I am using Solus as my daily driver on my desktop, so reverting to LTS IS a possibility, but I would much rather stay on the current kernel branch, if possible.
Thank you!