Greyfus Is there a possible chance of adding any chromebook drivers to work smoother? THere are hangs trying to shutdown, and no audio. I had GalliumOS but it seems to have gone stagnant. Maybe there is a way to get the drivers and recompile into a current kernel here? Ive tried but I lack the knowledge.
Greyfus I say as more people are considering getting chromebooks from popularity. Although now that the Solus 4.3 has been released, the live disc fails during boot now. I will not mind using my chromebook to test things.
nolan I think Chromebooks use arm (correct me if I'm wrong) and, AFAIK, there's no plans to support arm. So, I don't see Solus in a Chromebook any time soon.
dalto nolan I think Chromebooks use arm (correct me if I'm wrong) They can use ARM, but most are x86.