Hello there, I am wondering if there is a way to show shortcurts (app icons) by only clicking once at the menu button. I am still used to whisker menu and it allowed me to run apps with just 2 clicks (open menu + select app). In Budgie I need to use the keyboard or navigate through the categories. Do you have any workaround idea in mind maybe? Thank you for reading these lines.

You would need to use a menu editor to create a "Favorites" category and add the items there. We don't support setting favorites in Budgie Menu at the moment.

You can add your favourite apps to the panel (which is imo even more convenient - just one click), you can make like 4 of them so there will be plenty of space for all your apps. Alternatively you might consider using KDE Plasma edition of Solus which has native support for such feature. Cheers.