Hi, i'm a new linux user that just switched from windows 10 to solus os, because i was having problems with the driver automatic updates on windows. But for some reason i noticed that most of my games always get worse performance compared when running the game on windows, one example is Dark Souls II : SOTFS, on windows i can usually run the game in max settings and high resolution (1920×1080) flawlessly, but on linux i only get around 20 fps, i asked this question on the solus project subreddit and some suspect that the cause of it is because i'm using my igpu instead of dgpu when running a game. After that i tried looking it up on the internet on how to make a game run on the dgpu in solus but i found nothing. So does anyone know how do i use my dgpu instead of igpu when gaming in solus? My hardware is an AMD R7 4800H and AMD RX5600M.