After recent updates, using built-in system 'Lock' (screen) function no longer works.

This fails to work from:

  • System.Tray :: PowerButton.("Lock")
  • neither, using keyboard shortcut "Super +L"

Current System:

Obviously, this makes it very difficult to 'walk-away' from the screen -- while still maintaining user-password security (to keep the 'curious' out).

    keurius system 'Lock' (screen) function no longer works

    Which desktop environment? I ask, because we're using Budgie and Plasma here, and it's working fine on both. Both are updated as of Friday. Is it on Gnome or MATE that it's failing?

      it would appear I am using GNOME (as per the image).. GNOME Version 40.1.0
      I do have a smattering of KDE 'branded' App-components installed, specifically:

      • kaccounts-integration - System to administer web accounts - shared library
      • kactivities - Core components for the KDE Activity concept
      • karchive - Reading, creating, and manipulating file archives.
      • kauth - Execute actions as privileged user.
      • kbd - Linux keyboard tools
      • kbookmarks - Bookmarks management library.
      • kcalendarcore - Provides access to and handling of calendar data
      • kcalutils - This library provides a set of utility functions that help applications access and use calendar data via the KCalCore library
      • kcharselect - Character Selector
      • kcmutils - Utilities for KDE System Settings modules
      • kcodecs - String encoding library.
      • kcompletion - Powerful completion framework, including completion-enabled lineedit and combobox.
      • kconfig - Persistent platform-independent application settings.
      • kconfigwidgets - Widgets for configuration dialogs
      • kcontacts - Address book API for KDE
      • kcoreaddons - Qt addon library with a collection of non-GUI utilities.
      • kcrash - Graceful handling of application crashes.
      • kdav - A DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
      • kdbusaddons - Convenience classes for DBus.
      • kdeclarative - Integration of QML and KDE work spaces
      • kdeconnect - KDE Connect adds communication between KDE and your smartphone.
      • kdecoration - Plugin based library to create window decorations
      • kded - Central daemon of KDE work spaces
      • kdegraphics-mobipocket - Plugins for mobpocket
      • kdenlive - Video editing application, based on MLT Framework and KF5
      • kdoctools - Create documentation from DocBook.
      • kerberos - Kerberos 5 network authentication protocol
      • kerberos-32bit - 32-bit libraries for kerberos
      • kernel-glue - Kernel integration for Solus
      • keybinder - Keybinder for GTK-based applications
      • kfilemetadata - Simple library for extracting the text and metadata
      • kglobalaccel - Global desktop keyboard shortcuts
      • kguiaddons - Utilities for graphical user interfaces.
      • kholidays - KDE library for regional holiday information
      • khtml - KDE Web Rendering Engine
      • ki18n - KDE Gettext-based UI text internationalization.
      • kiconthemes - Icon GUI utilities.
      • kidentitymanagement - Manage PIM identity
      • kinit - Helper library to speed up start of applications on KDE workspaces.
      • kio - Network transparent access to files and data.
      • kitemmodels - Set of item models extending the Qt model-view framework.
      • kitemviews - Set of item views extending the Qt model-view framework.
      • kjobwidgets - Widgets for showing progress of asynchronous jobs.
      • kjs - Javascript engine for KDE
      • kldap - Allows LDAP accessing with a convenient Qt style C++ API
      • kmod - Linux kernel module management utilities
      • knewstuff - Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data.
      • knotifications - Desktop notifications.
      • knotifyconfig - Configuration dialog for desktop notifications.
      • kontactinterface - Kontact Plugin Interface Library
      • kpackage - Installation and loading of additional content as packages
      • kparts - Plugin framework for user interface components
      • kpeople - Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person
      • kpeoplevcard - kpeople plugin for vcard
      • kpimtextedit - KPIMTextedit is a library that provides an enchanced text edit class, see TextEdit
      • kpty - Interfacing with pseudo terminal devices
      • krename - Utility to handle specialised file renames
      • krita - Free and open source digital painting application
      • kross - Embedding of scripting into applications
      • krunner - Framework for Plasma runners
      • kseexpr - An embeddable expression evaluation engine
      • kservice - Plugin framework for desktop services.
      • ksmtp - Job-based library to send email through an SMTP server
      • ktextwidgets - Text editing widgets.
      • kwallet - Safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
      • kwayland - Qt-style API to interact with wayland
      • kwidgetsaddons - Large set of desktop widgets.
      • kwindowsystem - Access to the windowing system.
      • kxmlgui - Framework for managing menu and toolbar actions.

      Could it be that there are some 'conflicts' here..?

        also, found this link:

        Looking at this thread, the post by seagle and reply by trenchanter
        $ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen
        seems to indicate a 'true/false' value; thought my value already seems appropriately 'set' (false)
        therefore, performing the action:
        $ gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen
        obviously, doesn't seem to make that much difference.

        Perhaps it might be a re-occurrence of other (or another/further-iteration) of issues of the same-similar variety?

        Running some 'tests', I could not repeat the output from the post by karypid
        (though I did try a 'dirty-hack'), just in-case it was a 'missing' file-ref error, specifically to gnome-screensaver using:
        sudo ln -s 'budgie-screensaver' 'gnome-screensaver'
        however, that doesn't appear to have 'fixed' or changed anything.

        The 'final' post by karypid
        appears to have (potentially) 'fixed' the issue (on that thread),

        "I located 3 keys related to power management settings:"

        lock-delay=uint32 30

        idle-delay=uint32 60


        though, I must admit; my 'output' doesn't seem too much different:
        lock-delay=uint32 30

        idle-delay=uint32 60


        And, looking at:

        "Settings->Power->Blank Screen"

        my value is already 'set' to 1.


          I've been trying to think of what the problem might be, but all I can come up with is that you're mixing a Gnome DE with a very long list of KDE applications. Although some mixing shouldn't cause any problems, it's possible that there are conflicts that are causing your problem.

          If you want to run predominately KDE applications, have you considered using the KDE (Plasma) DE? I use it on several machines, and find it incredibly well done. Do you have a compelling reason to use Gnome instead?