FyneDesk is a new desktop environment that has been developed in Go. A small part of the development (that dove by me) has been done on Solus. See the following post for some more information:
FyneDesk - A new desktop environment written in Go
[unknown] I never looked at Go as a UI language
There really isn't a first-class GUI library for it yet. Fyne is probably the closest, but it's rough around the edges and the focus on Material Design is a bit off-putting for a lot of folks.
[unknown] I don't like GCs since I don't know what they're doing and when, feels like loosing control
Wasn't too long ago that this was the norm in C++ and Qt. Most of the time you don't need to worry about GC. A well-optimized GC like the one Go uses will mostly stay out of your way unless you are doing a stupid amount of alloc/dealloc, at which point what you are doing is almost guaranteed to be sub-optimal anyways. Go developers have adapted to this reality, so they focus on reusing memory wherever possible with simple techniques like buffers or avoiding pointer types (e.g. slice of structs instead of slice of pointers to structs).
[unknown] The choice of only supporting or even still going for X11 is interesting for a new DE, most try to get rid of X11 where they can and get a wayland compositor running. But well, X11 will be around .. some time still.
Depends on your goals. X11 is a pretty simple API and fairly portable across Linux or BSD environments. It also nets you immediate compatibility with other UI toolkits and applications. Wayland barely does anything on its own. Most of writing a compositor has nothing to do with graphics, as you have to supplement all the other things that X11 does in order to achieve something close to feature parity. If you want to write a desktop environment and not another compositor, X11 gets you 80% of the way there and lets you focus on the 20% that makes your DE unique.
More power to creativity and originality!
This would look good on the usb BSD I am playing with.
In the picture I love the Raven homage in the far right of the pic
Not a fan of the docks and buttons on the left...
- Edited
Not a fan of the docks and buttons on the left...
There is support for changing between left and right position of the buttons. It was added this release and we would consider changing the default it if the most people prefer having them on the right side (I sure do).
I never looked at Go as a UI language
It is actually really nice. The simplicity of the language and not having to deal with manual memory management is wonderful for making programming a lot easier and thus bringing in more community developers (people that otherwise would think the codebase was too complex). The easy multi-threading using goroutines is also very good for being able to do multiple things at the same time, which is pretty common for ui applications. I generally think Go lands a very good balance between performance and simplicity.
The choice of only supporting or even still going for X11 is interesting for a new DE, most try to get rid of X11 where they can and get a wayland compositor running. But well, X11 will be around .. some time still.
There are certainly plans on adding Wayland support in the future. The Fyne toolkit needs a few more Wayland improvements before that can be done though (there is only initial Wayland support currently). It has not yet been decided if we will keep X11 once that lands, but I expect it to still remain due to BSD support and the better driver support currently available on X11. I am personally a Wayland advocate and hope to have it done in the next big release if possible.