Hi there!

Is it possible to integrate my cloud space (mega.nz) into Solus' file manager?
They have apps at mega.nz that do just that for a few linux OSs but not for Solus.
I have written to them asking what I could do and their answer wasn't very encouraging:

"We don't have packages for Solus and there is no direct way to integrate them with the file manager.
If you are familiarized with building software, the only way we can suggest is to build it from scratch from our MEGAsync repo http://github.com/meganz/MEGAsync in Github, but there are no specific instructions for Solus."

Any ideas anyone?

I'm not sure why they are suggesting to build it from scratch. Their source code license doesn't permit it.

This licence grants you the rights, and only the rights, set out below, to access and review Mega's code.


you are not entitled to use or do anything with the code for any commercial or other purpose, other than review and commentary on it.

We cannot provide it and it is in violation of the license to do anything that would entail using their source code for anything besides reviewing (auditing) it, such as re-packaging or providing packaging instructions.

Integration of Mega into any of the file managers (we do not develop one, there is no "Solus file manager") would involve reviewing their code and violating their license in the process, since the purpose of reviewing the code would be beyond that very review or any "commentary" on it.

    Thanks for your quick reply!
    "Solus file manager" = Nautilus of course.
    But it is as it is - I just have to go via a browser and visit their website.
    But thats fine.

    Thank you!

      SOLUSfiddler Hopefully they'll have a more permissive license at some point in the future. Right now it is merely "source code available", it isn't truly open source (under an OSI endorsed license, typically) or libre software (typically associated with FSF-endorsed licenses).