The hoard of wild monkeys at Dell who developed my XPS 13 have apparently been talked into using a "feature" developed by another hoard of wild monkeys which they call "CABC" (content-adaptive brightness control). What it does is that the display constantly changes its brightness depending on the content that is shown on the screen.
In other words: if you hack away in a dark terminal window, all is okay. When you alt-tab over to the browser to check your mistake on stackoverflow, the display turns from a dirty snow white to a sun-explosion white within about a second or two.
This renders the whole machine basically unusable. I'm on an XPS 13 from about 2015 (got it used on ebay) with an i5 and an Intel HD 5500 Broadwell GT2 graphics adapter. On some machines there is a windows software to make the machine usable but not for mine:
Does anybody out there have the capability to do something against this?