- Edited
After updating today, I obviously ran out of /boot space:
[✓] Syncing filesystems success
[✓] Updating dynamic library cache success
[✗] Updating clr-boot-manager failed
A copy of the command output follows:
[FATAL] cbm (../src/bootman/kernel.c:L668): Failed to install initrd /boot/initrd-com.solus-project.current.5.10.9-169: No space left on device
[FATAL] cbm (../src/bootman/update.c:L250): Failed to install default-current kernel: ///usr/lib/kernel/com.solus-project.current.5.10.9-169
[✓] Running depmod on kernel 4.14.216-165.lts success
[✓] Running depmod on kernel 5.10.9-169.current success
[✓] Updating system users success
[✓] Updating systemd tmpfiles success
[✓] Reloading systemd configuration success
[✓] Re-starting vendor-enabled .socket units success
[✓] Restarting VirtualBox services success
[✓] Compiling glib-schemas success
[✓] Updating mimetype database success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: hicolor success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus-Dark success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus-Adapta-Nokto success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus-Adapta success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: solus-sc success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus-Light success
[✓] Updating desktop database success
[✓] Updating manpages database success
[✓] Reloading udev rules success
[✓] Applying udev rules success
sudo clr-boot-manager list-kernels
ls -l /boot/
total 209924
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8029888 9. Jan 23:40 com.solus-project.current.5.10.5-167
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8189088 16. Jan 16:43 com.solus-project.current.5.10.7-168
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8190272 23. Jan 17:13 com.solus-project.current.5.10.9-169
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9905664 16. Jan 16:43 com.solus-project.lts.4.14.215-164
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9913856 23. Jan 17:13 com.solus-project.lts.4.14.216-165
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7935072 6. Dez 2019 com.solus-project.lts.4.9.205-147
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 1024 16. Jan 16:43 grub
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31583025 9. Jan 23:40 initrd-com.solus-project.current.5.10.5-167
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31926467 16. Jan 16:43 initrd-com.solus-project.current.5.10.7-168
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30600775 16. Jan 16:43 initrd-com.solus-project.lts.4.14.215-164
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42406395 23. Jan 17:13 initrd-com.solus-project.lts.4.14.216-165
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26262160 6. Dez 2019 initrd-com.solus-project.lts.4.9.205-147
drwx------ 2 root root 12288 25. Apr 2019 lost+found
I'm afraid to reboot now. How can I remove older kernels that are taking up space and repair the installation?
Can I just delete the older com.solus-project and initrd-com.solus-project files on /boot and run "sudo clr-boot-manager update"?
I found https://discuss.getsol.us/d/4023-updating-clr-boot-manager-failed-no-space-left but the solution discussed there is about EFI and extending the partition.