New i3
Nice. You planning on using lxappearance at all to set a dark GTK theme?
JoshStrobl Nope, I am going to try for a crimson color.
I also started playing around with Solus i3 and it's been pretty pleasant, except for the default brightness shortcuts nit working due to xbacklight not being installed by default. Anyone else got that as well?
I'll upload my n00b setup when I get in front of my computer.
abdulocracy Our default keybinds use light
not xbacklight
. light
is marked as a rundep of i3 and generally works with more defines than xbacklight does. But backlight control really is hit-and-miss.$39
abdulocracy I have the same issue with my nvidia/intel optimus powered Dell: by default brightness controls would not work, installed xbacklight
(per someone's suggestion in the old forums) and has worked like a charm since then ️
Here's my first i3 setup.
I've been working on my i3 setup for a while