yumenetwork I've never heard of it.
Well I know we the activists love to share our ideas to everybody in a sense that one size fits all, but we should know that most of them aren't interested and we shouldn't bother them with our problems/ideas.
It's like telling poor people to not use plastic. Or buy only bio. And even that being said we are not correct 100% of the time...even more so if we were correct even 55% of the time then we should be in Wall Street making millions 😀
Privacy can generally be found in many websites so this is not the best place to do that.
Also there are many more important things than privacy-to begin with there is so much other government-related stuff worth attention as well as big companies controlling everything, big pharma, illuminati, New World Order, the changing of old, wise, experienced, moral generation to the new stupid kids brainwashed with Instagram world, fitness bodies, porn, fashion and so on. But most importantly of them all-money...how we could end global hunger, but we didn't. How all money is fake and we are literally giving bankers the ability to make value and money from paper, thus making the bad rich richer(there are many good rich people, but the most rich of them all are very bad people)and giving them control to shape our culture and control our minds. Even the very question if we want to have civilization(because it's not sustainable, we create world we are not created for, we strive for unachievable ideas/goals)...or to said it this way civilization is like a matrix. We have problems searching for meaning, trying to escape other people's bulshit, trying to be good parents or good sex mates, strong people, trying to free time to live our lives, searching what live is really about.
In that sense although I enjoy shiny new technology, computers and so on I hate them all.
So the best that we can do is:
1-Make topic about privacy related to how Solus is placed and how it can be improved-not privacy guides or topics.
2-Exchange messaging.