SuperSIm135 I'm beginning to learn how to use eBPF but the development tools don't seem to be available on Solus via eopkg. How would I add these tools (mainly bpfcc-tools and bpftrace). The reason I want to know (and I'm not just asking someone to do it for me) is because there are other tools and libraries that I want in the repositories and I want to get familiar with how Linux works so that I can contribute to it. Any help is greatly appreciated!
algent In this case if you want to add these tools in Solus Repository then first thing to do is to Request a Package following Solus Package Inclusion Policy. If you already know how to compile it from source then you can do what you want. Also you can learn to package it for yourself using Solus build tools.
SuperSIm135 algent Thanks for your feedback! When I went to the github page for these tools, they had build tutorials for a bunch of operating systems (none of which were for solus). I found that whenever in doubt, just use the instructions for Alpine linux!