Halp! The system tray icon for Discord is too big in Budgie; though it's the right size in GNOME.
I've tried modifying the discord-tray.svg icons in the Papirus-Dark theme, but I just cannot get anything to work.
Any ideas? TIA

a year later

I have the exact same problem, Discord logo is huge and i don't even want it there. I'm looking for a minimalist design but there seems no way i can just get battery, volume, network, and power on their own in a system tray type setup. I always have to have bluetooth and the huge discord logo no matter what. It'd be great if i could find a way to customise this like in KDE plasma.

Install/open menu editor > open app > left click icon > search list - choose - save > enjoy 😁

    ntlrsh sorry thought you wanted to change the icon.

    Possible to open the icon with gimp shrink save to file , then select new icon from your file. Should work 😃